(812) 547-1200
Gym · Health · Gym/Physical Fitness Center
Senior Programs

Silver Sneakers works with Anthem, Humana, Aetna, Mutual of Omaha and other Medicare Insurance Providers. To check eligibility go to SilverSneakers.com and answer a few questions or ask your insurance company. Bring your 16 digit Silver Sneaker number in and we'll get you started!
You may get access to Silver&Fit as a Medicare beneficiary through many insurance companies’ Medicare Advantage and Supplement plans.Go to SilverandFit.com. To sign up, register on the site, put in your zipcode to find New Directions Health and Fitness Club. Print out your fitness card, bring it to us, and start exercising!
This program is for members of an eligible Medicare Advantage plan insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one if its affiliate companies. Just contact your insurance company to receive your eligibility code. Bring that to us and we can get you set up!
Check with your insurance provider—many work with these programs to offer FREE membership to you!
Regardless of which program your insurance covers, you’re welcome to join our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday senior fitness classes. Plus, every program includes full access to a regular gym membership!